
Mental Health and Community Support

Discover the Joy of Pleasure Practices with Mindful Passions

Transform Your Life With Pleasure Practices

Are you tired of life's monotony? Do you believe happiness should be a daily pursuit, not just a weekend indulgence? If so, welcome to the world of Pleasure Practices at Mindful Passions International!

Here, we break free from the ordinary. We reject the cycle of deadlines and duties, diving headfirst into the extraordinary. We're not your average wellness and love coaching practice. We're rebels in the holistic health scene, and today, we're introducing you to Pleasure Practices – your gateway t…

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Spicing up Your Vocabulary: The Joy of Being a Kinkster | 27 Mar 2023

Spicing Up Your Vocab-Kinkster

Have you ever heard the word "kinkster" and wondered what it means? Or maybe you've heard it used in a negative way and want to know the truth behind the term. In this blog post, we'll define the word "kinkster" and shed some light on the empowering and inclusive culture that surrounds it.

At its simplest, a kinkster is someone who enjoys exploring unconventional or non-traditional sexual behaviors, preferences, or fetishes. This can include a wide range of activities and interests, such as BDS…

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Mental Health First Aid Training for Kinky People: Supporting Your Community | 22 Mar 2023

The kink community is known for celebrating diversity and exploring alternative forms of sexual expression. However, our community also faces unique challenges when it comes to mental health and well-being. That's why it's crucial for kinksters and kink-curious folks to have the skills and knowledge to provide Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) to themselves and others. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of Mental Health First Aid training for the kink community and how this training ca…

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BDSM Self-Care Styles: Empower Your Wellness the Kinky Way | 6 Feb 2023

Feb 6 Written By Caress Fitch

 Decades of people watching in Kink Spaces has clued me to the fact that different personality types practice BDSM and self-care differently. Hey, I'm Caress Fitch, the Kinky Health Coach, and I help Kinksters reach their health and wellness goals so they can play hard and recover fast.

By the end of this article, you'll know what a BDSM self-care style is and how kink can empower wellness. And finally, how to determine your own self-care, BDSM style. Make sure yo…

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