
Sexual Health and Exploration

Discover the Joy of Pleasure Practices with Mindful Passions

Transform Your Life With Pleasure Practices

Are you tired of life's monotony? Do you believe happiness should be a daily pursuit, not just a weekend indulgence? If so, welcome to the world of Pleasure Practices at Mindful Passions International!

Here, we break free from the ordinary. We reject the cycle of deadlines and duties, diving headfirst into the extraordinary. We're not your average wellness and love coaching practice. We're rebels in the holistic health scene, and today, we're introducing you to Pleasure Practices – your gateway t…

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CBD and Mindful Masturbation: A Match Made in Sexual Heaven | 18 Apr 2023

CBD & Mindful Masturbation

What is mindful masturbation?

Mindful masturbation is the practice of being present and fully engaged in your solo sexual experiences. It involves paying attention to your body, breathing, and sensations in a non-judgmental way. By practicing mindful masturbation, you can learn more about yourself sexually and develop a better relationship with your body.

Author Annie Sprinkle describes mindful masturbation as "a way of loving yourself that is respectful, kind, compassionate and connected." By…

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