
Wellness and Self-Care

Discover the Joy of Pleasure Practices with Mindful Passions

Transform Your Life With Pleasure Practices

Are you tired of life's monotony? Do you believe happiness should be a daily pursuit, not just a weekend indulgence? If so, welcome to the world of Pleasure Practices at Mindful Passions International!

Here, we break free from the ordinary. We reject the cycle of deadlines and duties, diving headfirst into the extraordinary. We're not your average wellness and love coaching practice. We're rebels in the holistic health scene, and today, we're introducing you to Pleasure Practices – your gateway t…

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Unlock the BLISS Blueprint: Achieve Balance and Beat Burnout

Unlock the BLISS Blueprint Achieve Balance and Beat Burnout

Unlocking the Power of the BLISS Blueprint for Sustained Performance Optimization

Ever feel like you're juggling too many balls, and they're all about to drop? 😰 You're not alone. Many of us live life in the fast lane, constantly on the edge of burnout. But what if there was a way to achieve balance and well-being without sacrificing your performance?

Welcome to the BLISS Blueprint! 🌈✨ This isn't just another wellness fad. It's a holistic framework designed to help you thrive, focusing on five key…

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Unlock Your BLISS: The Ultimate Blueprint for Holistic Well-Being

Unlock Your BLISS A Holistic Blueprint for Sustainable Performance and Well-Being

Ever feel like life’s a chaotic whirlwind, and you're just trying to hang on?

😵‍💫 We get it.

Let's talk about BLISS. No, not that fleeting moment of happiness. We’re talking about the BLISS Blueprint—a holistic framework designed to optimize your performance and well-being.

What's the BLISS Blueprint?

It's a game-changer. 🚀


  • Bedtime: Sleep & Rest to Recover

  • Laughter: Play & Cultivate Joy

  • Intimacy: Love & Be Loving

  • Savor: Enjoy with Intention

  • Stride: Move to Thrive

Let's break it down, so y…

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Introducing Hedonic Wellness

Blog Hedonic Wellness

Have you ever considered that pleasure could be the missing key to your wellness puzzle?

Where wellness is equated with rigorous diets, grueling workouts, and stringent routines, the idea of pleasure as a fundamental aspect of health might sound radical—maybe even a bit rebellious. But what if the secret to lasting well-being isn’t just about discipline and denial but about embracing joy and satisfaction in our everyday lives?

You’re not alone if you’ve found yourself disillusioned by wellness tre…

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Transform Your Life Together: Affordable Coaching for Wellness and Relationships

Transform Your Life Together

Are you tired of feeling like holistic wellness and intimacy coaching services are out of reach? Do you long for a more inclusive approach that acknowledges the importance of relationships in your journey towards well-being? If so, you're in the right place.

Prioritizing health and fostering meaningful connections has never been more critical. Yet traditional coaching models often have hefty price tags, making them inaccessible to many. Plus One Pricing is a revolutionary approach that's changing…

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Understanding Personal Poisons: How to Identify and Mitigate Your Unique Wellness Challenges

What’s a Personal Poison Feature

Diving into the concept of Personal Poisons offers a unique lens through which to view and improve our holistic well-being. Here are the key takeaways from our exploration:

  • Personal Poisons extend beyond food allergies, encompassing any substance, situation, or emotion that diminishes your health and happiness.
  • Identifying your Personal Poisons involves tuning into your body's signals, experimenting with lifestyle changes, and being mindful of your emotional well-being.
  • Managing Personal Po…

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Elevate Your Well-being: A Beginner's Guide to Setting Self-Care Goals | 15 May 2023

Welcome to the transformative journey of self-care, where you become the architect of your own well-being. Setting self-care goals is a powerful way to prioritize your needs, nurture your mind and body, and create a life that radiates joy and balance. In this comprehensive guide, we'll take you step-by-step through the process of setting meaningful self-care goals. Get ready to unlock your potential and elevate your well-being to new heights!

Step 1: Reflect on Your Needs: Laying the Foundation…

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